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Phone Number: 604-569-0616 I 778-859-2918 | Fax: 604-568-6599
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 6 PM I Sat: By appointment only I Sun: Closed
Email: info@vanultrasound.com
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Testimonials Old

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I am so happy to have found this place! After a really frustrating run around between our midwives

and hospital following our 20 week scan,we decided to go private to find out the sex of our baby in a pleasant environment. Vancouver Ultrasound was able to squeeze us in day-of and our technician was extremely warm and welcoming. Pricing is very fair and they were very professional. Highly recommended!

Julie Matheson

I needed an ultrasound on my leg quickly and I was able to get an appointment within 12 hours.

I was very pleased with the level of service and the cost was very reasonable. A great option when you can’t wait for the standard medical system.

Corbet Rutzer

The service was great. The ultrasound technician Wendy was very gentle and knowledgeable.

I got the appointment on the same day.
The result relieve my worries as the MSP wait was over one month. The charge was not too expensive!

Patricia Chiu

Incredible service! Wonderful staff, a beautiful office, and no wait list. Was able to get in 1 hour after calling.

A true testament to the superiority of the private health care system. If you are eager to get an appointment or seeking first class service, this office will meet all your needs. The price is also very reasonable.

David Bentley

I was so excited to do the gender determination. Your excellent facility with a calm & professional

attitude will leave a lasting memory with me.


Thank you for all your help during my whole IVF process. Fortunately we had a successful outcome and we new have a healthy baby boy.

Private Client

Thank you for your help.  it has been a difficult journey these last few weeks.

I appreciate that you were able to secure us an appointment with short notice.  I  am eternally grateful.


Speed of my appointment & results were fantastic! Thank you for this great service.

Private Client


Private Client

I was extremely impressed with your professional, yet personable attitude. Thanks a lot.


My appointment went very well, I was pleased with the overall service.


I wanted to thank you all again for being so great to work with and so caring during this stressful time.

Private Client

Thank you for going the step further to find the area causing the problem.

Private Client

Exceptional service & care. Will refer others.

Private Client

I wanted to let you know that I am pregnant!!! Can you believe it??




Everything was Great.


Hope you all well and many, many thanks!