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Phone Number: 604-569-0616 I 778-859-2918 | Fax: 604-568-6599
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 6 PM I Sat: By appointment only I Sun: Closed
Email: info@vanultrasound.com
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What Each Exam Offers

Click below to find out what each exam covers and which is right for you…

General Health Check-Up

For details and full assortment of structured packages catered to your needs. Please call and inquire for more information. Our staff will assist you in building a package catered to your health needs and ensure all proper preparation procedures are conveyed.

Obstetrics – Pregnancy Baby Entertainment & Gender Reveal Packages

Please click the link below for more details and a full assortment of structured packages catered to your needs. Please call and inquire for more information. Our staff will assist you in building a package catered to your preferences.
*Bring your family and friends to share this exciting experience with!*

Abdominal Ultrasound

Imaging includes aorta, inferior vena cava, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, common bile ducts, adrenal glands, and spleen.
*No food or liquids 10-12 hours prior to your appointment. Please only drink small amounts of water to quench thirst or taking medication*

Antral Follicle Count Ultrasound

Imaging includes bladder, cervix, ovaries, uterus, and lower quadrants
*Drink THREE cups of 8 oz. of fluid 2 hours prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam. Please arrive with a full bladder*

Breast Ultrasound and Screening

Imaging includes area of concern, bilateral breasts, and axilla.
*No preparation needed*
Male patients to rule out gynecomastia

Hernia/Abdominal Wall Ultrasound

Imaging includes area of concern, inguinal canals, and umbilicus
*No preparation needed*

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Imaging includes the targeted area of concern or ONE specific part listed:
Rotator Cuff
Achilles Tendon
Specific Muscle
*No preparation needed*

Obstetrics – Dating and Under 14 Weeks

Imaging includes fetal dating, heart rate, viability, adnexal, ovaries, cervix, and bladder.
*Drink THREE cups of 8 oz. of fluid 2 hours prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam. Please arrive with a full bladder*

Obstetrics – Detail and Growth Over 18 Weeks

Detail Imaging includes fetal growth biometry, heart rate, all organ structures, soft markers, placenta, cervix, ovaries etc…

Growth Imaging includes fetal growth biometry, heart rate, position, placenta, cervix, and fluid.

Patients 18 weeks and over in their pregnancy ONLY drink two cups 8 oz. of fluid 1 hour prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam.

Patients 30 weeks and over in their pregnancy do NOT need any preparation. Please arrive with a bladder that feels relatively full.

Pelvic Ultrasound – Female

Imaging includes bladder, cervix, ovaries, uterus, and lower quadrants

*Drink THREE cups of 8 oz. of fluid 2 hours prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam. Please arrive with a full bladder*

Pelvic Ultrasound – Male

Imaging includes bladder, prostate volume, post void residual, and lower quadrants.

*Drink THREE cups of 8 oz. of fluid 2 hours prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam. Please arrive with a full bladder*

Renal Ultrasound

Imaging includes bladder, post void residual, lower quadrants, and kidneys.

*Drink THREE cups of 8 oz. of fluid 2 hours prior to exam. Do NOT empty bladder 2 hours prior to exam. Please arrive with a full bladder*

Scrotal/Testicular Ultrasound

Imaging includes testicles, varicocele, and epididymis.

*No preparation needed*

Shoulders and Rotator Cuff

Imaging includes ALL shoulder and rotator cuff muscle groups.

*No preparation needed. Please arrive with a t-shirt or tank top*

Thyroid Ultrasound

Imaging includes thyroid gland, cervical lymph nodes, submandibular glands, parotid glands, and parathyroid glands.

*No preparation needed*

Vascular Ultrasound – Carotid Arteries

Imaging includes carotid arteries Doppler with stenosis analysis and/or intima media thickness.

*No preparation needed*

Vascular Ultrasound – Reflux Study

Imaging includes reflux grading at CFV/GSV and Popliteal/LSV junctions.

*No preparation needed*

Vascular Ultrasound – Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT – Calf Swelling

Imaging includes deep vein Doppler, thrombus analysis of the lower limbs, varicose veins and calf edema.

*No preparation needed*