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Phone Number: 604-569-0616 I 778-859-2918 | Fax: 604-568-6599
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 6 PM I Sat: By appointment only I Sun: Closed
Email: info@vanultrasound.com
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Contact Us

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Phone Number

604-569-0616 | 778-859-2918


#303-550 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC


Make an Appointment

Not covered by MSP*

We will send you a confirmation within 24 hours.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: By appointment only

Sundays: Closed


We have underground parking conveniently located for all patients.

Appointment Request

Please fill in the fields below to request an appointment.

    Please check off the corresponding examination type from your doctor's requisition form. If you have any questions or uncertain of which to choose, please provide as much information as possible in the fields below.
    Please check off the corresponding examination type from your doctor's requisition form. If you have any questions or uncertain of which to choose, please provide as much information as possible in the fields below.